Dimitris Michailidis

Dimitris Michailidis

PhD Candidate at the Civic AI Lab, University of Amsterdam


  1. Michailidis, D., Röpke, W., Roijers, D., Ghebreab, S., Santos, F.P., "Scalable Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning with Fairness Guarantees using Lorenz Dominance", arXiv pre-print. pdf.
  2. van Oorschot, L., Michailidis, D., IJzerman, N., Jansen, S., Roijers, D., "Where (not) to Cross the Street", BNAIC/BeNeLearn (2024). pdf.
  3. Michailidis, D., Khutsishvili, K., Konstantis, K., Tympas, A., Ibrahim, I.A., Ghebreab, S, "Enabling Inclusive Urban Transport Planning Through Civic Artificial Intelligence", Strengthening European Mobility Policy. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (2024). pdf.
  4. Tasnim, M., Michailidis, D., Ghebreab, S., Santos, F.P., Acar, E., "Mitigating School Segregation through Targeted School Relocation", In Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (Workshop on Citizen-Centric Multiagent Systems, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (2024). pdf code.
  5. Michailidis, D., "Fair Transport Network Design using Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning", Doctoral Consortium — 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. pdf.
  6. Michailidis, D., Tasnim, M., Ghebreab, S., Santos, F.P., "Tackling school segregation with transportation network interventions: an agent-based modelling approach", Autonomous Agents Multi-Agent Systems 38, 22 (2024). [Most Visionary Paper Award, CMAS-AAMAS 2023] pdf.
  7. Fiorista, R., Michailidis, D., Santos, F.P., "Equitable Public Transit Network Reduction", Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (2023). [1st place, Network Modeling Student Problem Solving Competition, 2022 Transportation Research Board (USA National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine)] research brief.
  8. Michailidis, D., Röpke, W., Ghebreab, S., Roijers, D., Santos, F.P., "Fairness in Transport Network Design-A Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning Approach", Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop, 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (2023). pdf.
  9. Michailidis, D., Ghebreab, S. and Santos, F.P., "Balancing Fairness and Efficiency in Transport Network Design through Reinforcement Learning", In Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (pp. 2532-2534). pdf, code.
  10. Michailidis D., Stylianou N., Vlahavas I., "Real Time Location Based Sentiment Analysis on Twitter - The AirSent System", 10th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 2018. pdf.

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About me

I am a PhD candidate at the Civic AI Lab of the University of Amsterdam.

In my research, I use Machine Learning to design inclusive, accessible and sustainable cities.

My current focus is on using Reinforcement Learning to explore the trade-off between utility and equity/fairness when designing public transport networks.

In the near future, I would like to investigate how urban populations would adapt to such changes in a city's public transport networks.

My goal is to create a multi-agent framework that helps to envision alternative urban designs and their evolution in time.

Sounds interesting? Then please, get in touch!

Teaching & Supervision

Master's Students Supervision

Courses Taught
